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Peso Perfecto


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En esta obra, Deepak Chopra presenta un programa de sencillas estrategias naturales para equilibrar mente y cuerpo con el fin de obtener su peso ideal. Para ayudar a identificar estas caracteristicas de su particular fisiologia, Peso Perfecto incluye un cuestionario sobre su tipo de cuerpo, basado en la tradicional ciencia de la salud conocida como Ayurveda. Una vez completado el cuestionario y despues de familiarizarse con las descripciones que el Ayurveda hace del cuerpo y sus variaciones, podra acceder a cinco mil anos de sabiduria con respecto a la salud humana. Peso Perfecto es una obra clave para conocer la solucion a un problema tipico de los tiempos modernos, en los que la salud es un aspecto fundamental a tener en cuenta. / To help you identify the characteristics of your particular physiology, Perfect Weight includes questions about your body type based on the traditional Indian science of health known as Ayurveda. By answering these questions, and by becoming familiar with Ayurvedas astonishingly perceptive descriptions of the body and its variations, you can instantly gain access to five thousand years of wisdom about human health. With this as a starting point, youll be able to recognize -- perhaps for the first time -- the real needs and rhythms of your body. Youll learn to see where, perhaps, youve broken with those rhythms and how to restore them. Youll gain the power to achieve your ideal weight without the physical pain, emotional stress, and eventual disappointment that are built into virtually all other weight control methods. By regaining balance in this very significant area of your life, and by enjoying the sense of health and well-being that comes with it, youll take an important, inspiring step toward fulfilling the truly unlimited potential that nature intends for you.


Deepak Chopra


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